About UsCompany Profile
Microtek (Changzhou) Product Services Co., Ltd. is a leading third-party testing agency, serving the electronic and polymeric material manufacturing industry worldwide. It is operated in accordance with the ISO/IEC17025: 2017 management system, accredited by CNAS and CMA and capable of issuing internationally recognized test and analysis reports. The lab is a CQC licensed lab for "Non-metal materials" including printed circuit boards (PCB), copper-clad laminates (CCL) and plastics. We are also the product service center for CPCA, an authorized training center for IPC-6012, IPC-A-610 and IPC-A-600, as well as a validation services certified test laboratory for IPC-4101 and IPC-6012. In addition, our lab has the capability of temperature& humidity calibration and insulation resistance calibration recognized by CNAS and we serve the PCB and CCL manufacturers and end customers all over the world.